Vision & Values
- We believe that all schools working in partnership are more effective in addressing issues relating to inclusion than those working in isolation. Through partnership, schools can share expertise, facilities, and resources to the benefit of their young people. As a result, the Partnership will be more influential in improving outcomes for children and young people who have been, or are, at risk of exclusion from their local school or for whom mainstream education might not be the best option for them at a particular point in their school life.
- The Partnership comprises Milton Keynes Council, all mainstream schools in Milton Keynes, the Stephenson (MK) Trust including Stephenson Academy, the Special Academy for pupils with social, emotional and mental health difficulties (SEMH), Bridge Academy, the secondary alternative provision provider, Milton Keynes Primary Pupil Referral Unit (MKPPRU) which provides alternative provision for primary aged pupils and Romans Field School which is a Special School for primary aged pupils with SEMH. Further full members can be co-opted by agreement.
The following principles underpin the work of the MKIP:
All partners are committed to work together to improve outcomes for those with challenging behaviours for the benefit of all. This is achieved by the maintenance of the Partnership. Bridge Academy and MKPPRU.
Stephenson MK Trust AP academies will be specifically responsible for pupils at risk of exclusion and/or permanently excluded and for young people with identified medical needs.
MKIP Aim : To reduce the number of permanently excluded students of statutory school age.
The Milton Keynes Inclusion Partnership is committed to supporting young people in a range of settings along a continuum from mainstream through alternative provision and into Special education.
All partners within the MKIP will support the managed moves protocol by admitting those young people where it is felt that a change of educational establishment will be in the best interest of the young person concerned, further information about the Managed move protocol can be found on our website
Oversight of the working of the Partnership is undertaken by a Review Group comprising three secondary Headteachers/Principals, nominated annually by the Milton Keynes Secondary Headteachers (MKSH) group, three primary Headteachers.